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Wrangell is a family of EIGHT Slab Serif fonts, providing a contemporary, natural twist on a classic look. Wrangell works great on its own, providing a perfect font for logos, headlines, or titles. It also works perfectly as a secondary font to your existing logos and branding.
Wrangell works well across the board, from small sizes to large headings. And with its eight different font weights, it works just as well for large posters as smaller stationary.
Get the Medium weight of Wrangell for free https://gumroad.com/l/MGojj
Check out Hossa, the Sans Serif companion to Wrangell: https://creativemarket.com/PaulVanO/1727063-Hossa-16-Font-Family
Font Family includes
- Wrangell - Thin
- Wrangell - Light
- Wrangell - Regular
- Wrangell - Medium
- Wrangell - Semibold
- Wrangell - Bold
- Wrangell - Heavy
- Wrangell - Black
Multi-language support - Wrangell contains dozens of accented glyphs, providing support for most Western European, Nordic and Eastern European languages.
Commercial / Extended License - Use Wrangell on as many projects as you please. This is in your design arsenal for life! Use on end products for sale is fully permitted with the standard license.
OTF/TTF - Each font weight comes in both .TTF and .OTF formats, for a total of 16(!) font files.
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Download Download Wrangell - 8 Font Family Slab Serif Font
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