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Amtenar is a font scripModern Calligraphy, so, font script that is beautiful and unique, it is a model of modern calligraphy typefaces, in combination with a calligraphy writing style. total 378 glyph.
The Features of this fonts is;
- Contextual Alternates
- Standart ligatures
- Stylistic Alternates
- Stylistic sets
File font Amtenar Include ;
- Amtenar OTF
- Amtenar TTF
- Amtenar WEB (EOT, SVG, WOFF)
Languages supported: Breton, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Estonian,French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Romanian, Scottish Gaelic, Slovak, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, English, Finnish, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh. Basically, all european languages that are based on latin alphabet
Can be used for various purposes.such as headings, logos, wedding invitation, t-shirt, letterhead, signage, lable, news, posters, badges etc. To enable the OpenType Stylistic alternates, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw X6-X7.
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