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Download Zing Rust Display Font

Download Zing Rust Display Font

Download Zing Rust Font by Fontfabric in Category Display Fonts File Sized 91.63 MB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Zing Script Rust Zing Sans Rust Old Elm Font Dogtown sans serif headline font.

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Zing Rust™ is a truly handmade type system consisted of 238 fonts. This incredible font family is based on layer combinations and gives endless possibilities to mix and make various designs. The bundle consists two subfamilies - the main font Zing Rust and extras - icons, banners, and words - Zing Goodies.

• Zing Rust™ is a family consisted of 230 fonts. Each style could be used separately or merged in order to achieve all the creative designs you can imagine. The font is based entirely on handwriting which brings aesthetics that can’t be imitated with any computer filters, scripts or plugins. Having moderate proportions Zing Rust™ is the perfect solution for logos and headlines that really stand out. We call it ZING THE AMAZING!

• As a dessert we serve you Zing Goodies™ that tops off the whole package, making it the extraordinary delicacy! It has 4 basic forms—Bakery, BBQ, Banners and Words—with two styles each, which contain plenty of adorable icons for any food and taste, elaborated banners, ribbons and ornaments, and even beautiful selection of useful words accentuating your design.

• This bundle is perfect for setting headlines, logotypes. The various style combinations give you endless possibilities to experiment and create a uncountable amount of beautiful designs.

Go ahead and unleash your creativity!

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