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Download Futura Extra Bold Sans Serif Font

Download Futura Extra Bold Sans Serif Font

Download Futura Extra Bold Font by URW in Category Sans Serif Fonts File Sized 86.22 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Futura Bold oblique Futura Bold Condensed Futura Extra Bold Oblique Futura Demi Oblique.

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Futura is THE prototype of a geometric or constructed linear sans serif and the font most commonly font of its kind used to date. Futura, very much influenced by the Bauhaus movement in Germany, was designed in 1927 by Paul Renner. Although being around for almost 90 years, Futura seems eternally young and fresh which also explains its continuous popularity with designers and typographers. Futura simply means efficiency and functionality documented by both its many usages as corporate type (e.g. Volkswagen, formerly IKEA, Vuitton, Shell, formerly HP, SMA and many more) as well as in various famous film projects (e.g. Kubrick, Anderson etc.). Futura’s iconic status was probably established when it walked on the moon with the Apollo 11 crew in 1969. It was used for the lettering of the plaque that was left up there. Futura® is a registered Trademark by Bauer Types SA

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