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Download Jaywalk Display Font

Download Jaywalk Display Font

Download Jaywalk Font by Gerren Lamson in Category Display Fonts File Sized 2.03 MB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 NimblePen Goulash Inline Bangarang Double Bangarang Double.

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JAYWALK is a rounded square display typeface with line drop shadow. The name JAYWALK was chosen to represent the atypical origin of this hand-crafted typeface which grew from a single font to a flexible system of 3: regular, drop shadow separate, and regular with drop shadow attached. The letter-forms were drawn in a rounded square format and feature small slab serif terminals to create cohesion across the typeface. JAYWALK could be used to create large inviting headlines, pricing elements, and bold messaging in design projects.

The download package contains 3 .TTF and .OTF font files for JAYWALK (Regular, Drop Shadow Only, and Attached Drop Shadow). It also contains 4 @font-face kits for diverse implementation on web projects. JAYWALK supports the following languages: Albanian, Danish, Dutch, English, Faroese, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Malagasy, Norwegian, Spanish, Polish and Swedish.

NOTE: The letterforms for this font were produced as the uppercase-only characters in each of the 3 typefaces. Also, pushing this font through a web-font service won't produce ideal kerning for headlines, so custom kerning for each letter may be required.

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