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Download Stipa Willington Script Font

Download Stipa Willington Script Font

Download Stipa Willington Font by Alcode in Category Script Fonts File Sized 157.25 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Diffrenlight Lile Dahliya Yolan Unique Font Hardwired Script - UPDATE.

Download Stipa Willington Font
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Introducing Stipa Willington

Hi Designer, Coming again to complete your script font collection..!

Stipa willington is a classic font, I built it with my relaxed hands. designing a classic font but having a modern element in it, which makes it particularly suitable for wedding media, book covers, greeting cards, logos, branding, business cards and certificates, in fact for any design work that requires a clasik, formal or luxury.

Try Stipa willington, enjoy the richness of OpenType features and let her fun and elegant excitement make you happy and enhance your creativity! You can use this font very easily.

Includes multiligual support and ligatures

There are many features in it. Contains the full set of lowercase and capital letters, punctuation, numbers, and multilingual support. This font also includes some ligatures and alternative styles Stylistic Set For those of you who have software that is able to work OpenType (Corel Draw / Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign).

Files include:

  • Stipa Willington.OTF
  • Stipa Willington.TTF

If you do not have programs that support OpenType features like Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw X Versions, you can access all alternative flying machines using Font Book (Mac) or Character Map (Windows):

Do not forget to see, buy, like and share my other great products:

Email support: alcode.info@gmail.com

Thank you for purchases.!

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