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In my younger days in advertising, my favorite part of the day was concepting, either alone or in a room with others. We’d kick around the craziest ideas for our clients, and create layouts with headlines for each one. I developed a style over time with my trusty Sharpie, and could write a good headline into a rough layout with skill. You needed to be in a well-ventilated room though, or the Sharpie fumes would get you feeling a little light-headed.
With Sharpie Fumes Mono, you can get the same results without the headache, literally. It injects the right amount of whimsy into any project. It works well on its own, but also plays well with other fonts in your sandbox. Save your brain cells for better ideas.
Available in otf format.
Have fun with it, let me know what you think, and share any examples of usage with me and the Creative Market community.
Extra points for anyone who can guess what movie I borrowed the quotes from in the examples!
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Download Download Sharpie Fumes Mono Street Fair Studios Font
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