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WT Bradford
Inspired by the old-fashioned display, traditional sign-writing and some ancient packaging in early 1900 that used primarily to create the ephemera of everyday life, the ubiquitous letter-heads, trade cards, advertising circulars and bills that serve an immediate purpose.
WT Bradford consists of capitals alphabets with glyph alternates in some letters. There is also unique ligatures that you can play & match with any words or sentence that fit with your design project. You may also want to access some catchwords like “to” and “and” located in the discretionary ligature slots. You could easily access it just in seconds, the instruction is included in the download pack. Set includes in 3 styles: Regular, Press (distressed) and inline.
This typeface is created for today creatives, it’s perfectly used for displays, signs, label designs, badges, logo, prints, apparels, and much more. Great for constructing provocative headlines and titles.
Carefully crafted by hands, manually and digital.
Features :
- Character set A-Z in capital letters
- Special Ligatures
- Catchwords
- Numerals & Punctuation
- 3 font styles
Bonus Files : Frames, Badges & Ornaments.
For any support and inquiries please contact us at winstontype@gmail.com
Stay in touch for any updates, freebies and upcoming font progress : http://instagram.com/winstontypeco
G'day! - Winston Type Co.
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