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Introducing the long-awaited, delightfully handmade ★ANGIE MAKES FONT BUNDLE OF GLORY★
This bundle contains goods that could easily value more than $300.... yours for only $25!
Use these coveted, high-quality fonts + extras to create the type and graphic design projects of your dreams. Wowzers! You're going to have fun with all of these little goodies.
★The Fonts★
- Blacksheep: Regular + Italic. A too cute hand brushed script with sophistication. Looks great in all caps too.
- Claphands: Filled + Half-Filled. Uppercase is half-filled and lowercase is solid. A playful all caps font with some serious girth. Perfect display font to make your text stand out from the crowd. *PUA Encoded.
- Dahlia Darling: An adorable hand brushed calligraphy script font with thick and thin variation and a dancing baseline.
- Fandangle: Regular + Bold. A super smooth and whimsical script font. Choose from 9 swash styles that can be added seamlessly. *PUA encoded.
- Fineday: A super playful, handdrawn script font. Make sure you turn on your Open Type features to see this natural handwritten font at its best.
- Funfetti: A too cute, all caps serif font that goes with everything.
- Helsinki: A happy all caps sans-serif font that goes with everything.
- Hola Bonita: This font is a hand brushed beauty. Rough, dry brush texture that looks fabulous in all caps too. Alternates for each uppercase and lowercase letter included.*PUA Encoded.
- Hoodwink: Filled, Hollow, and Dotty Versions. A sophisticated serif display font for titles, headers, and more.
- Ladyfinger: A super trendy, modern script font with serious slant and a cool kid vibe. You'll love it!
- Okey Doke: Filled + Hollow. A totally funky block letter font. Uppercase is filled and lowercase is hollow. Perfect for some wonderful handdrawn vibes. *PUA Encoded
- Rockaby: Regular + Bold. A handdrawn, all caps font with a ton of personality. Great for pairing!
- Seafair: Regular + Italic. A thick, romanesque serif font with a ton of spunk.
- Shippey: An all caps font with a thick body and outline. Handdrawn block letter goodness with tons of character!
*PUA encoded means that you don't have to have any fancy software to use all the little swashes and extra letters, etc. included in a font that are not easily accessible by simply hitting the traditional keys on your keyboard. Simply follow this tutorial to use hidden characters. http://angiemakes.com/secret-to-add-swashes-extras-to-your-fonts-meet-the-private-use-area-for-fonts/
International Language Support includes the following characters: Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE Ccedilla Eth Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave IJ Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave Ldot Ntilde Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Oslash Otilde OE Thorn Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave aacute acircumflex adieresis agrave aring atilde ae ccedilla eth eacute ecircumflex edieresis egrave iacute icircumflex idieresis igrave ij ldot ntilde oacute ocircumflex odieresis ograve oslash otilde oe thorn ucircumflex udieresis ugrave wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave yacute ycircumflex ydieresis ygrave
Commercial use allowed. See CM terms.
★The Extras★
- 60 Photoshop Patterns: These patterns include black and white inky patterns, totally rad + colorful geometric patterns, and some blinging gold textures.
- Pattern Images: Pattern Images in .JPG format for users who don't have access to Photoshop.
- Doodles: More than 200 doodles. Cute animals, swirls, swashes, and the whole kitchen sink! EPS vector file and PNG images included. Design ready.
- Font Pairing Guide / Logo Templates: 21 Templates with fonts paired to perfection. Steal my font pairing ideas or mix + match to make your own. Use them for labels, stickers, logos, and more!
- Font Guide: A handy image guide with all the fonts and styles in alphabetical order.
This bundle has been a labor of love with countless hours in the making. As designers we should value our time + work and price it accordingly. As consumers, we should recognize that making decent fonts takes some time. Your purchase ensures more good fonts to come and helps build this delightful, creative community. :) :)
I seriously hope you all love this bundle of glorious goodness. Now... go make something awesome!
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Download Download Angie Makes Font Bundle of Glory Angie Makes Font
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