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Franklin Bundle Collection is a group of fonts dedicated to my most successful fonts on the Creative Market platform. In addition to the fonts appearing on my shop before, there are new variations of the original Franklin, as well as a new script that pair nicely. I also took some time to explore an exciting variant that has cross sectional lines called Franklin Bold Crosshatched. If you like Franklin, Frankie, and Frank, I believe you will love these new fonts that are bolder and feature unique ligatures that unlock simply by pressing the caps keys on whichever letter you desire to include a ligature. But if sans aren't your bag, the Franklin Bundle Collection includes Retro Script. A script that balances well against the more straight hairline looking letters of the Franklin family. Need some new social icons to match your font(s)? Franklin Bold Icons is thrown in this bundle for good social measure without having to worry about creating your own. Finally, I truly appreciate all of the love my original font Franklin has received. It's so nice to have a vision and see it come to fruition while also bearing fruit. Have some questions?, keep reading for FAQS and what this bundle collection includes.
May I use any of these font for my own/client logo(s) and or website(s)?
- *Please refer to the Basic and Extended Licence page Creative Market has set up. This should let you know what is and is not permitted usage under each respective licence. Visit CreativeMarket.com/licences. You have the purchase option of both Basic and Extended Licences under this bundle. This is also outlined in a document that is included with the downloadable .zip file.
I need a character/symbol that is not included in the font. Can I ask you to make some for me?
- *I am willing to design up to (but no more than) characters per customer as long as a licence has been purchased. Any additional characters are obtainable, however there will be additional charges to be billed separately. When a character(s) are finished, I will email you a revised version of the font.
Will you design a logo with this font for me?
- *I believe it is wise to ask the original designer of a font to create variants of the font. I have a background in design and would be more than willing to speak further on design matters, per a DM consultation on Creative Market.
This font isn't working at certain sizes.
-Try clicking Type - Create Outlines if you are using the Adobe Suites ( I.E. Illustrator ). This will allow your computer to interpret the font as lines instead of text.
Any additional questions?
Feel free to chat me up on the Creative Market DM. I will try and get back to all legitimate inquiry requests and accommodate your concerns as best I can.
The Franklin Bundle Collection Includes:
-*Franklin Bold Alternate
-*Franklin Bold Crosshatched
-Franklin Bold Icons
-Retro Script
Again, I would like to further re-iterate how much I appreciate each and every customer. You matter more than you know!
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