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Hello designer! Introduce my latest font, Saturday, essential modern calligraphy typeface. I create swashes built in (on Alt1 & Alt2 otf), but if you need more, you can use independent swash letter, left and right) on Saturday Font Alt Swashes otf.
How to use extra swashes ornaments ? Change Font to SaturdayFontAltSwashes then Type swashes letters before (alphabet a-m) and after (alphabet n-z) your regular saturday text.
- Added New 8 Pairs swash ornaments. Now Saturday has 13 pairs swashes, beside to built-in swashes letters.
- SaturdayFontBold was added (as seen on the 3rd preview). Click Next on Font Preview below to see the update.
This font has tt ligature feature, as seen on second preview or test on font preview below. They can be accessed on OpenType software glyph panel, contextual alternates on ms office, or press number 2 on SaturdayAlt1 & SaturdayAlt1Bold.
Available western, central european and turkish letters with accent, if you have any glyph request please info us. What's special on Saturday swashes letters? They're connected!
But if you're using Open Type Savvy software such as Illustrator, InDesign etc, you can install one font, Saturday Font otf only, and access all alternative letters on glyph panel.
- You may install my fonts to your Mobile phone or gadget using Installer Apps (Get font installer apps on play store/Apple Store)
Any feedback always welcome. let me know if you have any suggestion!
Find Some Inspiration: https://www.instagram.com/filiamycandythemes/
See My New Fresh Font, Modern Pretty font family, Spectra: https://crmrkt.com/9R5wA
Thank You!
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